An incondensable judicial opinion. He was bankrupt of original ideas. 无法集中的审判意见他毫无独创性的见解。
Humanism of the Law and the Possible Risk: About the Judicial Practice of seriously considering Public Opinion 法律的人本关怀及可能的危险&关于司法实践中认真对待民意的思考
Integration of Judicial Independence and Supervision by Public Opinion 论司法独立和舆论监督的统一
Discussion on Judicial Investigation Procedure for Placing a Criminal Case In my opinion, it is better to name it as the civil case's retrial to register for the recond to investigation the system. 对完善立案审查程序的探讨从这个意义上说,笔者以为用民事再审立案审查制度命名更为贴切,一是体现立案审查的被动性,二是体现立案审查的有限性。
On the Judicial Justice and Superintendence of Public Opinion 司法公正与舆论监督
But, as a result of the legal article inherent concise quality and the correlation judicial interpretation relative lag, enables this crime to become the present our country criminal law theorists and judicial Practice pays attention to also one of together divergent opinion many focal points. 但是,由于法律条文固有的概括性和相关司法解释的相对滞后性,使得本罪成为目前我国刑法理论界和司法实务界共同关注且分歧意见较多的焦点之一。
In this understanding, conflict should not exist between judicial and public opinion. 依此理解,在司法与民意二者之间不应当存在冲突。
With the occupation of the judicial system, the conflict between public opinion and judicial become intensely. 伴随司法制度的职业化,民意与司法的冲突逐渐显现。
In the idea of the modern law-governing soceity, judicial independence and supervision by public opinion are always intertwined with each other. 现代法治社会的理念中,司法独立与舆论监督一直是两股相互交织在一起的旋律。
However, in real life, we see that the tension between the judicial and public opinion has been prominent, public opinion has become an important factor to affect the case the administration of justice. 然而在现实的生活中,我们看到司法与民意的紧张关系已经凸显,民意已然成为影响案件公正裁判的重要因素。
Moreover, optimize the judicial environment in our country, implement absolute jurisdiction of judges and prevent public opinion from interfering the justice. 并提出优化我国的司法环境,实行法官独立行使审判权,并防止民意干扰司法。
Public opinion could bring positive influence to the judicial trial, as well as negative influence. It is a valuable issue to research on how to promote judicial trial with public opinion each other. 公共舆论对司法审判的监督既能给司法审判带来积极地作用,也会给司法审判带来负面的影响,如何让公共舆论监督能够与司法审判相互促进一直是一个需要研究的课题。
For the convenience of judicial organs identifying the public opinion scientifically, four distinct characteristics of the public opinion are summarized, i.e. collectivity, uncertainty, public interest and the soft restrains the strong. 为便于司法机关对民意进行科学甄别,本文概括了民意的四个显著特点,即集合性、不确定性、公共利益性、软强制性。
In order to get the truth of the financial and accounting issues involved in cases, judicial authorities have regarded the forensic accounting appraisal opinion as a indispensable forensic evidence to deal with economic cases in the judicial activities. 为充分了解诉讼案件中相关财务会计问题的真相,司法会计鉴定已成为承办案件司法机关不可或缺的一项司法鉴定活动。
Essentially, judicial and public opinion to the target, the administration of justice and public opinion should not be opposed, should be mutually reinforcing. 本质上,司法与民意目标指向的一致性,决定了司法与民意不应该是对立的,应该是相互促进的。
In a mature society ruled by law, also should be fully expressed in space, now China is in the transition period of judicial reform and the rational participation and supervision, public opinion, judicial public trust, thus truly win one way toward independence. 而在一个成熟的法治社会,民意也应有充分的表达空间,现下中国司法正处于改革和转型时期,民意的理性参与和监督,是司法赢得民众信任、从而真正走向独立的途径之一。
In recent years the public opinion frequently affect the judicial, the relationship between the judiciary and public opinion become a hot discussion. 近年来,随着民意频频关注、影响司法,司法与民意的关系问题成为讨论与研究的热点。
In practice, judicial identification did not testify in court, the court only read appraisal opinion phenomenon becomes the norm, the equal right of cross-examination nominal. 实践中,司法鉴定人不出庭作证,法庭上仅宣读鉴定意见的现象成为常态,控辩双方的质证权形同虚设。
The mass media and the public may supervise the judicial power with public opinion under the protection of freedom of expression. But in such case, the independence of the judiciary can possibly be affected. 媒体与公众以表达自由权为依托,对司法权进行舆论监督,但是,在这种情况下,很有可能损害法院审判的独立性。
It is require that our country to establish a comprehensive supervisory mechanism in the fields of legislative, judicial and social public opinion. 这就要求建立起立法监督、司法监督、社会舆论监督的全方位监督机制。
Conclusion part, the article called for efforts to enrich the whole society and the development of dynamic theory and practice of justice, so that dynamic judicial opinion on this article further sublimation. 结语部分,文章号召以全社会之合力丰富和发展能动司法之理论和实践,使本文关于能动司法的观点得到进一步升华。
Looked from the judicial practice situation that, the external intervention, the media public opinion and the public opinion pressure can processing have the important influence to the case. 从司法实践情况来看,外在干预、媒体舆论和民意的压力都会对案件的处理产生重要影响。
The public may promote judicial justice through a supervision by public opinion. 民众可以通过对司法行为以舆论监督,促进司法公正。
The following text analyzes the prescription of defective resolution of shareholders 'general meeting in judicial opinion four concerning company law ( draft). 接下来的内容又分析了公司法司法解释四(草稿)中关于股东大会决议瑕疵处理的具体规定。
But as the enhancement of public legal consciousness and a deeper legal profession, in practice, judicial and public opinion have appeared tensions. 可是随着民众法律意识的提高和法律职业化的深入,实际生活中的司法与民意已经凸显出了其紧张关系。
Judicial accounting expert opinion is a conclusive opinion through scientific identification, analysis and judgment conducted by identifiers on financial accounting issues. 司法会计鉴定意见指司法会计鉴定人针对司法机关提请鉴定的财务会计问题,根据其对财务会计资料及相关证据的检验结果,进行科学的鉴别、分析和判断后所得出的结论性意见。
The judicial system proper system design is the important way of public opinion and judicial relations. 司法系统合理正当的制度设计是处理民意与司法关系的重要方式。
First, the coordination of reconstruction of the judicial and public opinion theory direction, in this based on the specific measures, including respect for the jury the authority through legislation to strengthen judicial independence and a series of specific measures such as. 首先分析了司法与民意协调重构的理论方向,在此基础上提出具体措施,包括通过立法尊重陪审权威以及一系列加强司法独立的具体措施。
It defines and introduces the definition, function, characteristics and structural mode of civil judgment paper. Among the above, characteristic and structural mode is mainly illustrated: header, factual part, judicial opinion, body and end part of judgment. 对于民事判决书的概念、功能、特点和构造模式进行界定说明,重点明确了其特征和构造模式:首部、事实部分、裁判理由部分、裁判主文部分和尾部。
Judicial activism replace public 'opinion with judges', and the decision will influent the game of power, which need to be fully augmented where the legal methods play an important role. 司法能动主义用法官的个人意志代替国民意志,判决的结果直接或间接影响权力博弈,必然要求判决理由的充分,法律方法的重要性不言而喻。